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Back Office IT Limited Worcester









Remote desktop

Most of you will be familiar with having us solve your computer problems by remote-controlling your PC. It’s a great facility: because we don’t have to drive to site, the customers’ problems get started on almost immediately (and they don’t have to pay for our travel). It has its limitations (obviously it is of no help when resolving Internet connectivity issues), but overall it has been a boon.

The issue we face now is that our favored tool - LogMeIn - have discontinued their free version. We have researched alternatives, but there are no suitable ‘free’ replacements. So, starting at the beginning of February 2014, customers who want us to support them using ‘remote desktop’ technology will have to pay.

It’s not as bad as it seems: customers who have our AVG CloudCare anti-virus already have remote desktop installed. Customers with Remote Management contracts (either Pro or Basic) have remote desktop built in. Thus this change will only effect our customers who have neither.

So, how much will it cost? The standard scale is as follows:

* Remote desktop only: £1 p.c.m. (billed annually in advance)
* Remote desktop & AntiVirus: £2 p.c.m. (billed annually in advance)
* Remote Management Basic: £5 p.c.m.
* Remote Management Pro: £10 p.c.m.

All price per machine, excluding VAT.

If you are one of our customers who have, up until now, relied on LogMeIn you need to resolve this sooner rather than later. If your machine goes wrong it might be too late to deploy the tools on the broken system!

Phone Mark or Adrian on 0845 3888 746

worcesters first line support for IT systems 

worcesters first line support for IT systems 

worcesters first line support for IT systems 

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With over 30 years of experience, and knowledge of current software developments, you can trust in our advice and be confident in our expertise

Get in touch:

If you would like to speak to one of our team, or find out more we would love for you to get in touch. Call 01905 426364 / 0845 3888 746 or email us.



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